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John W. Jones Museum is the original home of
Mr. John W. Jones, who escaped slavery and settled
in Elmira, New York.
The Museum commemorates his life and work as an Underground Railroad Station Master who safely assisted approximately 800 fugitives’ flight to Canada and was responsible
for the dignified burial of
nearly 3000 Confederate soldiers.
Photo Courtesy of Chemung County Historical Society
Location of Museum
ELMIRA, NY 14901
We are currently closed for the season.
2025 season open date to be announced at a later date.

Please send cash/checks to
John W. Jones Museum
PO Box 932
Elmira, NY 14902
PDF located below

President of the John W. Jones Museum Board of Trustees, Talima Aaron, discussed her journey to discover John W. Jones' voice in the historical records, as part Black History In Upstate New York week, coordinated by the National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum located in Peterboro, NY
By walking us through some historical documents in which Jones's voice and personality are present, she provided further insight into Jones' life. Additionally, Aaron discussed the work of the John W. Jones Museum in preserving his legacy and give a brief tour of the museum.
Click here to watch the presentation on YouTube
You can be part of JWJM’s history by purchasing a brick(s) that will create the path from the sidewalk to the statue. There is a limited number, so order now. Use the PDF below to fill out your brick order form. Proceeds will be used to maintain and operate the site. Mail your form and check to (or PayPal to confirmation ): John W. Jones Museum-Brick Project, PO Box 932, Elmira, NY 14902.
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